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Hello World!


Hey! This is Anicetus.

Welcome to my blog. Here, I'll be posting all the stuff I'm doing, what I'm up to, and so forth.

I plan to post at least every week, but that may change. I'm currently on Christmas break, so I have much more time to do this kind of thing.

So, without further ado, let me introduce myself! As you may already know, I'm a teenager living in America. I love to code and build/tinker/cause fires with electronics. I've been an avid coder since before I can remember, but recently (2023, early 2024) I've kind of... put coding on hold, you know?

What got me back interested?

Hack Club. Hack Club is an awesome communtity of hackers and coders, and I was referred to it by a friend. I love it so much! I know I sound like a commercial, but I can't help it. If you're 18 or under, code or like electronics, and live somewhere on Earth, you're eligible!

Speaking of Hack Club, one of the biggest things I'm working on is its High Seas program, which is essentially a program where you code projects, which face off against another person's project. Other people vote on which one is better, and the more votes you get, the more coins, or doubloons you get. Then the doubloons are multiplied by the hours you spent coding!

These doubloons are currency in a shop with tons of cool stuff. At the time of writing, I have almost 1000! And yes, this blog is one of my projects.

Wow! That was a lot about Hack Club. Let me talk about something else now...

Another project I've got (on hold due to High Seas) is that I'm building a custom drone, complete with pro racing motors and an FPV camera! I intend to give it a basic AI functionality to make it self-flying as well! But, like I said, I'm waiting until after High Seas to work more on it, as I want them doubloons.

Want to talk? Learn more about me?