My Accomplishments

Well, let's start at the beginning. I've always loved to code, from Scratch
and Python as an 8-year old to Javascript and HTML now.
I'm proficient in most HTML and Javascript, and quickly learning CSS.
On a different note, I'm also a piano player!
I've been playing as long as I can remember, and love doing so.
I also have a mind for tech. I've done a lot over the past while, such as:
I equipped my cheap-o 3D printer with Klipper on a Raspberry Pi running Mainsail, getting it two times as fast with great quality,
I've used Python and C++ before, and remember them decently!
My favorite coding project is EasyQMK, a custom code maker for keyboards.
I play regularly on Sunday mornings at a small church and also on Wednesday nights at a larger church.
Being totally unrelated, I can read and write a bit of Latin! Difficilis est.
I designed a mini keyboard with Hack Club's Hackpad program,
And I'm designing a custom drone, equipped with AI flying mode, VR mode, and a camera for video and picture taking.
Well, let's start at the beginning. I've always loved to code, from Scratch
and Python as an 8-year old to Javascript and HTML now.
I've used Python and C++ before, and remember them decently!
I'm proficient in most HTML and Javascript, and quickly learning CSS.
My favorite coding project is EasyQMK, a custom code maker for keyboards.
On a different note, I'm also a piano player!
I play regularly on Sunday mornings at a small church and also on Wednesday nights at a larger church.
I've been playing as long as I can remember, and love doing so.
Being totally unrelated, I can read and write a bit of Latin! Difficilis est.
I also have a mind for tech. I've done a lot over the past while, such as:
I designed a mini keyboard with Hack Club's Hackpad program,
I equipped my cheap-o 3D printer with Klipper on a Raspberry Pi running Mainsail, getting it two times as fast with great quality,
And I'm designing a custom drone, equipped with AI flying mode, VR mode, and a camera for video and picture taking.